*Gina Giraffe (free pattern)*

May I introduce you, the next member of the Mint Village, this is Gina Giraffe. The very best frien of Zackie Zebra. I finally got my pattern ready, or actually I designed this giraffe before Xmas, but I didn´t get photos of the finished toy, so I couldn´t publish the pattern. And when I was knitting my Giraffe, I run out of yellow yarn so I had to use other yarn I found in my stash. If I had had more yarn, I would have designed the ears, but now I have to make them from felt.
This is maybe a bit more difficult than my earlier patterns, because I used DPNs instead of "normal needles" and I used to colours. I´ve never designed a chart in my life, so I hope you understand it. If there are any problems, I´m glad to hear of them. Happy knitting for all of you!

Lopultakin sain tämän kirahvin ohjeen julkaisukuntoon ja tuotua tänne blogosfääriin. Ohjeen mä suunnitelin jo ennen joulua, mutta koska se kirahvi meni lahjaksi serkulle, en kerennyt saada hyviä kuvia. Vielä lisäksi multa loppui keltainen lanka ja jouduin käyttämään, jotain keltaista Novitan Samosia sarviin. Jos lanka olisi riittänyt, kirahville olisi tullut myös korvat. Tämä voi olla vähän vaikeampi kuin aikaisemmat, sillä tämä neulotaan sukkapuikoilla ja kirjoneuletta olen myös onnistunut tunkemaan mukaan.

And now for the pattern:

You need:
DPNs size 3mm
Yellow and brown cotton yarns to match the DPNs
Tapestry needle
Black yarn to embroider the face

Legs (make 2)
Cast on with brown 10 sts. P 1 row.
Next row: K1, *m1, k1* repeat to the end. P1 row.
Next row: K4, *m1, k3* repeat to the end.
St-st 5 rows.
Next row: K8, skpo twice, k2 tog twice, K8
Next row: P6, p2tog 4 times, p6.
Next row: K6, skpo, k2tog, k6.
Change to yellow, st-st 21 rows.
Cast off.

Arms (make 2)
With yellow ast on 12 sts.
Beginning with P row st-st for 15 rows.
Change to brown. St-st for 6 rows.
Next row: k2tog to the end.
Break off the yarn and pull yarn through the stitches that left to the needle.

Body and neck
NOTE: the body is knitted in round. Begin at bottom.
With yellow cast on 26 sts on DPNs. 1st and 3rd needle: 6sts, 2nd and 4th needle: 7sts. K 1row
Next row: K1, *m1, k5*, repeat *_* around. K 1row
Next row: K1, *m1, k5*, repeat *_* around. K 3 rows
Next row: K2, *m1, k7*, repeat *_* around. K 2rows.
Next row: Join brown to the work and knit next rows as shown in the chart. Work for 8 rows and then knit two rows with yellow. Then repeat 8 rows shown in chart again.Break off brown and continue with yellow.
Next row: *K4, k2tog*, repeat around.
Next row: *K3, k2tog*, repeat around.
Next row: *K2, k2tog*, repeat around.
Next row: *K1, k2tog*, repeat around.
Knit 10 rows for neck. Cast off.

Cast on 13 sts. P 1row
Next row: K1, *m1,k1* to the end. P 1row.
Next row: K1, *m1, k3,* to the end. P 1row.
Next row: K1, *m1, k4* to the end. P 1row.
St-st 11 rows.
Next row: K2tog 7 times, k13, k2tog 7
St-st 3 rows
Next row: k2tog 5 times, k7, k2tog 4 times.
St-st 3 rows.
Next row: k1, k2tog to the end.Break off the yarn and pull yarn through the stitches that left to the needle. Sew the back seam and stuff head firmly.

Cast on 7sts. Knit i-cord for 7 rows.
Next row: K1, *m1, k1* repeat to the end.
Change to brown yarn. Knit 6 rows.Break off the yarn and pull yarn through the stitches that left to the needle.

Sew the back seam of the legs and stuff them. Stuff the body before sewing the legs to the body. Stuff neck firmly so the head will look good. Stuff and sew arms to the body just below the neck. Sew head to the body and horns to the head. Embroider the face and your little friend is finished!


  1. Vey nice Gina Giraffe! I ´m learning to kinit dolls, and this patterns is great! Thank you so much!!!!! Greats from Argentina


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