and warm end-of-summer greetings, I found my little sister's red yarn and now I'm trying to make a knitted heart. I still have the ottern part unfinished and I'm wondering, if I should wash the pieces before or after stuffing. I really haven't tried felting before with yarn, I've just had wool and a felting needle.
And now for the big guestion: Do you think that writing abbreviations for my patterns (both knitted and crocheted) would be useful?
Tässä on mun ensimmäinen huovutusyritykseni, toinen puoli sydäntä puuttuu edelleen. Seuraava hyvä kysymys on se, huovutanko sydämen ennen vai jälkeen täyttämisen. En ole itse ikinä huovuttanut lankaa ja ainoastaan kokeillut neulahuovutusta, joka on harvinaisen helppoa.
No, eiköhän tästä nyt sitten jotain synny lopulta.
and warm end-of-summer greetings, I found my little sister's red yarn and now I'm trying to make a knitted heart. I still have the ottern part unfinished and I'm wondering, if I should wash the pieces before or after stuffing. I really haven't tried felting before with yarn, I've just had wool and a felting needle.
And now for the big guestion: Do you think that writing abbreviations for my patterns (both knitted and crocheted) would be useful?
No, eiköhän tästä nyt sitten jotain synny lopulta.
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