Bunnies and butterflies

Hola !

I've been really busy lately. I had my first "real" test last week about the allosteric regulation of hemoglobin and the function of proteglycans and lectins. And I also managed to find time to take my little siblings to grandma and grandpa. And also I had time to start crocheting X-mas presents and to make little butterflies from my old pattern and teach my little bro to change colors when knitting.
But anyway, here is the picture of the bunny from the last posting and the two butterflies I made today and yesterday:

I was thinking about re-releasing my older patterns that are only available through Ravelry in here, what do you think? Should I do that when I have enough time? I have a few patterns there in PDF-format.

Huhhuh, kyllä syksy on kiireistä aikaa. Mulla ensimmäinen "kunnon" tentti viime viikolla biokemiasta. Onneksi löytyi aikaa käydä hakemassa pupuntäytettä ja aloitin jo (hyvissä ajoin) joululahjojen värkkäämisen. Mietinpä vaan, että kannataisiko mun kääntää noita omia ohjeita suomeksi, olisikohan niillä käyttöä? Toisaalta mulla on jotain ohjeita Ravelryssä, jotka voisin laittaa blogiin, kun löytyis sopiva kolo.

