A basic body for a toy and how to make into a cat (free pattern)

Basic body

I first published this pattern back in 2008 as a pdf-file in my Ravelry store. I made couple of cats and a dog based on this pattern, so I thiught it would be fitting to make an update of this pattern and turn the toy into a cat and this time with instructions. The toy is worked flat and my cat is about 22cm/9 inches tall.


You need

Yarn (in your preffered colour/colours) and matching knitting needles, I used Tilda Svarta Fåret and 2,5mm knitting needles.

Tapestry needle

Polyester filling

Safety eyes


Right leg (make 1)

Cast on 15sts. P1 row.

Next row: K1, [m1, k1] repeat [_] to end. Beginning with P row st-st 5 rows.

Next row: K3, [k2tog, k1] repeat [_] 6 times, k8. P1 row.

Next row: K3, [k2tog, k1] repeat [_] 5 times, k5. P1 row.

Next row: K3, [k2tog, k1] repeat [_] 4 times, k3. (Change the color if needed on this row) Beginning with P row st-st for 23 rows. Cast off. Sew the back seam of the leg, mark the right leg with a contrasting colored yarn.

 Left leg (make 1)

Cast on 15sts. P1 row.

Next row: K1, [m1, k1] repeat [_] to end. Beginning with P row st-st 5 rows.

Next row: K8, [k2tog, k1] repeat [_] 6 times, k3. P1 row.

Next row: K5, [k2tog, k1] repeat [_] 5 times, k3. P1 row.

Next row: K3, [k2tog, k1] repeat [_] 4 times, k3. (Change the color if needed on this row) Beginning with P row st-st for 23 rows. Cast off. Sew the back seam of the leg.


Arms (make 2)

Cast on 9 stitch. Beginning with a P row st-st 3 rows.

Next row: K1, m1, k3, m1, k3, m1, k2. Beginning with a P row st-t 17 rows (Change the colour after the 11th row for the paw if needed).

Next row: K2tog across the row. Cut of yarn, pull trhough the stitches. Sew the back seam. Stuff the arms.



Body and head (make 1)

Beginning at the bottom edge of the body, cast on 26sts. P 1 row.

Next row: K1, [m1, k5] repeat [_] to the end of the row. P1 row.

Next row: K1, [m1, k5] repeat [_] to the end of the row. P 1row.

Next row: K1, [m1, k9] repeat [_] to the end of the row. Beginning with P row st-st 17 rows.

Next row: K8, k2tog three times, k 13, k2tog three times, k8. P1 row (This the neck row)

Next row (Increases for the head): k4, [m1, k3] repeat [_] 9 times, m1, k4

St-st 17 rows

Next row: [k2tog, k1] to end. P1 row

Next row: K2tog all across.

Next row: P2tog all across.

 Cut off yarn and pull it through the remaining stitches. Sew the back seam together, and leave the bottom open. Stuff the head and when it is stuffed, check the place for safety eyes, remove the filling and attach the safety to their place. Stuff the head and the body firmly. Stitch a piece of yarn around the neck and tighten it to give the head a more prominent shape. Fasten the yarn securely.

Sew legs securely to the bottom of the body, and check the position of the legs before sewing. Sew arms to the sides of the body, just below the decrease row.


And now the additional pieces to turn the basic body into a cat!

Nose (make 1 with the contrasting color)

Cast on 7sts. P1 row.

Next row: K1, m1, knit to last st, m1, k1. P1 row (or st-st 3 rows, depending on how big you want the nose to be).

Next row: K1, skpo, k3, k2tog, K1. P1 row. Cast off. Find the center of the nose and face, and pin the center of the nose securely to the center of the face (a few rows above the neckline). Sew nose to its place. I started by sewing teh top of the nose first, then the left side. I moved the bottom of the nose piece a bit upwards to give more shape. Then I sewed the left side of the nose, added a little filling and then made a few stitches to the middle of the nose. And then sewed the rest of the nose to its place. Embroider a few stitches with pink yarn to the top of the nose and embroider the mouth with black yarn under the nose. I embroidered three x-shapes on both sides of the nose as whiskers and it works quite nicely.


Ears (make 4, make two with the main color and two with the contrasting color)

Cast on 9stitches. Beginning with a purl row st-st 3 rows. Decrease at both end of each knit row, until 3 sts remain. P1 row.

Next row: skip 1, k2tog, psso. Cut yarn and pull it through the remaining stitch.


Sew the sides of ear pieces together (main color and contrasting color together), and stuff lightly if needed from the open bottom edge. Sew the bottom edge of ears to the head firmly, on the sides of the face.



Cast on 7sts, knitting with i-cord technique for the length you want.

Next row: K2tog twice, k1, k2tog twice.

Cut off yarn and pull it through the remaining stitches. Fasten the yarn securely into the tail. Sew the tail to the backside of the body, between legs.



St                         stitch

P                          purl

k2tog                  knit 2 togther

m1                       make 1

skpo                   skip one, knit onge, pass the slipped stitch over

Psso                    pass the slipped stitch over



Copyright: Minttusuklaa (2023)

You can sell toys made from this pattern, but don’t sell the pattern itself or claim it as your own.
