Thursday, December 10, 2020

Piparkakut (ilmainen neuleohje)

Hei vaan kaikille suomenkielisille lukijoillenikin!

Piparkakku-ukon neuleohje oli toinen Ravelryyn julkaisemani ohje vuonna 2008. Olin juuri päättänyt avata itselleni Ravelry-tilin ja kehittää omia neuleohjeita. Teini-ikäiselle se oli silloin tosi iso asia 😊

Vuosia on vierähtänyt ja päätin käydä läpi vanhoja julkaisemiani ohjeita ja piparkakkuohje tuli valituksi päivitystä varten ja samalla sitten päätin kääntää ja julkaista ohjeen myös suomeksi tyttöversion kanssa täällä blogissa. (En taida raaskia poistaa tuota teiniminän tekemää pdf-tuotosta). Itselläni meni noin tunti/pipari kaikkine keskeytyksineen, joten projektit on nopeita.



Ruskeaa lankaa, sukkapuikot (itse käytin Svarta Fåretin Tildaa ja 2,5mm puikkoja).

Erivärisiä langanjämiä koristeeksi





Aloita jaloista: Luo ruskealla langalla 6s, neulo 1 krs nurin.

Seuraava krs: 1o, [lisäys, 1o], toista [_] krs loppuun. Neulo sileää 7krs. Jätä silmukat odottamaan puikolle. Neulo toinen jalka samoin. Neulo molempien jalkojen silmukat oikein samalla puikolle ja luo 1 s molempien puikkojen lopussa.

Neulo 9 krs sileää.

Seuraava krs: *_* (olkapäät), 3o, 2oyht x3, 6o, 2o yhtx3, 3o. Neulo 1krs nurin tai 3krs sileää. (Saat itse valita, tein pojalle 3krs sileää ja tyttöön 1krs nurin, pään muoto vähän muuttuu).

Seuraava krs: 1o, lisäys, 2o, [lisäys, 3o] toista 5 kertaa.

Neulo sileää joko 7krs tai 9krs (riippuen siitä, teitkö kaulaan 1krs:n vai 3krs:ää).

Itse kavensin viimeisellä nurjalla kierroksella molemmissa 1s.

Seuraava krs: Neulo 2o yhteen koko kierros.

Katkaise lanka ja vedä silmukoiden läpi. Ompele jalkojen saumat ja sitten selän ja pään takasauma. Täytä pipari päästä ja viimeistele päälaki vasta täyttämisen jälkeen.


Kädet (neulo 2kpl)

Luo ruskealla langalla 8s, aloita nurjalla kierroksella ja neulo sileää 7krs.

Seuraava krs: 2o yhteen koko kerros. Katkaise lanka ja vedä silmuikoiden läpi. Ompele sauma ja täytä hieman. Ompele kiinni vartaloon.

Koristele pipari kirjomalla silmät, suu ja napit, sekä muut ”koristeet.”



Luo ruskealla 32s. Aloita nurjalla neulo 3krs sileää.

Seuraava krs: 9o, 2oyht, 10o, 2oyht, 9o. 3krs sileää

Seuraava krs: 8o, 2oyht, 10o, 2oyht, 8o. 3krs sileää

Seuraava krs: 7o, 2oyht, 10o, 2oyht, 7o. 1krs nurin

Seuraava krs: 6o, 2oyht, 10o, 2oyht, 6o. 1krs nurin

Jatka kuten pipariukko kohdasta *_*.

Jalat: Luo ruskealla 11s, aloita nurjalla krs:llä ja neulo 3krs sileää.

Seuraava krs: 1o, sitten 2oyht kierros loppuun. Katkaise lanka ja vedä silmukoiden läpi. Ompele sauma ja täytä jalat kevyesti vanulla.

Kädet: samalla tavalla kuin piparkakku-ukko.

Ompele piparitytöltä ensin vartalon takasauma, täytä ja sen jälkeen helmasauma samalla kiinnittäen jalat paikoilleen. Ompele kädet vartaloon kuten piparkakku-ukolla.

Enpä ole ikuisuuksiin postannut suomeksi, saatikka sitten kirjoittanut neuleohjetta suomeksi. Toivottavasti ohjeesta on iloa näin suomenkielisenäkin versiona :)

 - Minttusuklaa

p.s. saat valmistaa ohjeella leluja myyntiin, mutta ethän myy ohjetta eteenpäin :) 

Gingerbreads (version 2, free knitting pattern)

 Gingerbread, updated version


So this is a "Throwback Thursday" post, because Gingerbreads was the second pattern I published in my Ravelry store, way back in 2008. I had just set up a Ravelry account and was thinking of starting a knitting blog and I really was a teenager back then. I hadn’t opened the pdf-file in my Ravelry store in ages, but during this year I’ve been thinking about revisiting my old patterns and updating them somehow. The gingerbread was the first one I decided to update and to be honest, the first pattern really shows that I was quite young back then. I had my brother’s small digital camera and took the photos on the living room floor, and of course there are spelling mistakes. To be honest I’m probably going to leave the original in my Ravelry store, I really don’t have the heart to delete it (brings me back too many memories…)

So I decided to publish the updated version here instead. I made the basic gingerbread man pattern more like in “my own style” with more detailed instructions and decided to make a girl version also.  

It took me about an hour to finish one, so this is a quick project.

You need

Brown yarn and matching DPNs. (I used Fingering yarn and 2,5mm needles)



Yarn for decorations


Gingerbread boy version

With brown, cast on 6sts. P1 row

Next row: K1, [m1, k1] to end. Beginning with P row st-st 7 rows. Leave the leg to a spare needle and knit the second leg the same way.

Knit across both needles and cast on 1sts in the end of both needles (24sts).

Beginning with P row, st-st 9 rows.

Next row: *_*Shape the shoulders: k3, k2togx3, k6, k2togx3, k3

St-st 3 rows or P1 row

(You can choose, it affects the shape of the head a little: I had 3 rows between the head and shoulders in the boy and just one row in the girl version).

Head: k1, m1, k2, [m1, k3] five times. St-st 7 rows/ 9 rows (depending how many rows you had in the neck, I also decreased 1sts in both ends of the last p row)

Next row: K2tog in every st.

Cut of yarn and pull it through the remaining stitches, don’t pull too tight yet.

Sew the leg seam, and then the back seam.

Stuff the toy and the close the top of the head. I tightened the neck with a bit of yarn.

Arms (make 2): cast on 8sts. Beginning with p row st-st 7 rows. Next row: K2tog in every st. Cut of yarn. Sew the back seam, stuff and sew to the body.

Embroider eyes, mouth, nose and then the decorations to the body.


Girl version:

Cast on 32 sts with brown. Beginning with P row st-st 3 rows.

Next row: k9, skpo, k10, k2tog, k9. St-st 3 rows.

Nr: k8, skpo, k10, k2tog,k8. St-st 3 rows 

Nr: k7, skpo, k10, k2tog, k7. P1 row 

Nr: k6, skpo, k10, k2tog, k6. P1 row.

Same as the gingerbread man from *_*.

Legs: cast on 11sts. St-st 3 rows Next row: K1, [k2tog] to end.

Arms: same as the gingerbread man.

Sew first the back seam and head of the girl, then stuff. Sew the leg’s seams and the arm’s seams Insert the legs and sew the bottom seam. Attach arms.


I hope you enjoy knitting these little gingerbreads and please tell me if you find any errors in the pattern.

- Minttusuklaa

 Copyright Minttusuklaa, you can sell toys made with this pattern, but don't sell the pattern itself.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

How I organize my stash


Today I wanted to share some ideas or ways I organize my (always growing) huge amount of different knitting/sewing/crocheting/craft supplies in a limited space.

I live in a small apartment with a very limited space. My dream is to find a new home with a space for all my crafting stuff in one room, but that is not happening probably any time soon. And yes I do scroll through Instagram and Pinterest and see these lovely sewing spaces and then the reality hits me: my sewing machine is at my parents place sitting neatly on my little brother's school table and my fabrics are stored in a wardrobe closet. 

So this November (and continuing in December) I wanted to organize my supplies and stash in a logical way where even others can figure out where to putin case they find knitting needles or something like that from the floor.

I have an Ikea Kallax shelf for my boxes at home and it is quite good for my stuff at home. It has nice boxes that match with our interior and top shelves have doors inserted to prevent stuff from falling down.  Most homes do fit a small shelf or a drawer in which to store the supplies I think.

So how do I use the shelf for my supplies: the top shelves with doors hold books and patterns in them and stuff that is totally prohibited from kids/toddlers like sewing machine oils and needles, or a project that is extremly fragile.

Then I have an empty shelf for my work in progress or just projects that are in a top priority to be finished. 

So my tips for organizing the supplies and how I organized my supplies:

1) Start with an iventory of your stuff

What do you actually have and is there something crucial missing. I spread my stuff on the living room floor and table along with the empty boxes, and then started filling the boxes. BUT leave the box including pencils on the floor with the lid open as the last box :) 

I know it looks messy at first, but it is so nice to see how the supplies find right boxes.

2) Label your boxes, it helps cleaning up and even others know where is your stuff

 The first box is called "Crafting"

It is filled with scrapbook papers, stickers, pencils, watercolors, paper glue. Everything that you need for doing birthday cards or present tags.

The second box is called "Toy-Making"

I had all my toymaking supplies stored in different boxes before, but now I moved them to a one box, with a good lid on it. 

The third box is my "button box"

I have so much different kinds of buttons that I had to put my buttons in one box. It also includes the snap buttons, spare buttons for clothes and the tools for inserting snap buttons. Inside of the box I've organized the buttons in old film roll cases, toolboxes from hardware stores or just in small paper bags that you receive from the counter when you find buttons.

The fourth is "The rest or I don't know how to categorize these yet" box

It has knitting needles, crochet hooks, zippers, scissors and ribbons. The kind of supplies that are required in doing many kinds of crafts. 

3) Remember safety: 

if you have a small home and you have kids or your friends birng kids over use boxes that have some sort locking mechanism or store the unsafe items on top shelves. I'm comfortable with having the ribbons and zippers, or yarn in the bottom part of the shelf, but fabric scissors and pins (and stuff like that) have to be stored in a kid-proof place.

4) Make it easy to use

what are the supplies you need the most, place them in a place where you can reach them easily. 

My next project is to get my yarns organized better (again).


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Small(er) Sea turtle (free crochet pattern)


You need

Dk yarn (two colours)

3mm hook


Safety eyes



These are just quick notes I made when crocheting this little turtle. It is a smaller version of my Sea Turtle. The pattern isn’t tested, so please tell me if you find any errors.





With yellow yarn: Ch2, 6sc to 2nd ch from the hook.

  • 2sc in each sc
  • [2sc, 1sc] repeat to end
  • [2sc, 1sc x2] repeat to end
  • [2sc, 1sc x3] repeat to end.
  • [2sc, 1sc x2] repeat 4 times, sc to end
  • [2sc, 1sc x3] repeat 4 times, sc to end
  • 1sc, [2sc, 1sc x3] repeat [_] 4 times, sc to end
  • sc around three rows
  • 1sc, [sc-dec, 1sc x3] repeat [_] 4 times, sc to end
  • [sc-dec, 1sc x3] repeat 4 times, sc to end
  • [sc-dec, 1sc x2] repeat 4 times, sc to end
  • [sc-dec, 1sc x3] repeat around
  • [sc-dec, 1sc x2] repeat around
  • [sc-dec, 1sc x1] repeat around


Remember to insert the eyes before stuffing the head.



With yellow yarn: Ch2, 6sc to 2nd ch from the hook.

  • 2sc in each sc
  • [2sc, 1sc] repeat to end
  • [2sc, 1sc x2] repeat to end
  • [2sc, 1sc x3] repeat to end.
  • [2sc, 1sc x4] repeat to end
  • sc around for 4 rows
  • [sc-dec, 1sc x4] repeat around
  • sc around for 3 rows
  • [sc-dec, 1sc x3] repeat around
  • sc around for 2 rounds
  • [sc-dec, 1sc x2] repeat around
  • sc around for 2 rounds
  • [sc-dec, 1sc x2] repeat around
  • sc around
  • [sc-dec, 1sc] repeat around

Stuff the body and sew the body to the head firmly.




With yellow yarn: Ch2, 6sc to 2nd ch from the hook.

1) 2sc in each sc

2) [2sc, 1sc] repeat to end

3) [2sc, 1sc x2] repeat to end

4) In BLO

5-6) Sc around

7) [sc-dec, 1sc] x6, sc to end.

8) [sc-dec] x 6, sc to end

Sc around 10 rows. Cut off yarn and pull through the stitch.

Stuff the legs and sew to the body.



With yellow yarn: Ch2, 6sc to 2nd ch from the hook.

  • 2sc in each sc
  • In BLO
  • Sc around
  • [sc-dec, 1scx4] repeat around
  • Sc around for 7 rows

Stuff the arms and sew to the body.


_scx_ just tells you how many scs you make to the next sc and how many times you repeat that amount of scs.

 With pink yarn: Ch5, 2sc to 2nd ch from the hook, 1 sc to next scx2, 4sc to next sc, 1scx2, 2sc to next sc.

  • 2sc twice, 1scx2, 2scx4, 1scx2, 2sc twice.
  • 1scx2, [2sc,1sc]x4, 1sc, [2sc,1sc]x4, 1sc
  • 1scx2, [2sx,1scx2]x4, 1sc, [2sc, 1scx2]x4,1sc
  • 1scx2,[2sc,1scx3]x4,1sc,[2sc,1scx3]x4,1sc
  • sc around for 4 rows
  • in BLO: 1scx2, [sc-dec,1scx3]x4, 1sc, [sc-dec, 1scx3]x4,1sc
  • 1scx2,[sc-dec,1scx2]x4,1sc,[sc-dec,1scx2]x4, 1sc
  • 1scx2,[sc-dec,1scx]x4,1sc,[sc-dec,1scx1]x4, 1sc

Cut yarn and bind off.

Join yarn to the beginning of the BLO-row and then do the FLO:

[1 slip stitch to next stitch, (sc,hdc,sc) to next stitch], repeat [_] for the whole row. Join the row with a slip stitch.

Stuff the shell and sew it to the body.